CodeSnippet is for quick access to code snippets


$ gem install code_snippet

$ snippet -h

A simple CLI tool for accessing code snippets


Get to building stuff faster

Capture good practice once by building templates of your code projects straight in your file system, and render them interactively from the command line.

Works With Any Language

Snippets are just files, you can save them and organize them any way you want.

Quickly filter and list

Snippets can be filtered by language (file extension) and results are displayed in an interactive list.

Show and Copy Quickly

The show command takes finds the snippet you want quickly and the `--copy=true` flag copies it straight into your clipboard - in 1 command.

Free and Open Source

No charge, and it won't stalk you around the internet either. It's also open source and hackable.

Help and Support

Read the manual or ask for help
